
Monday, August 25, 2008

My Dark Age of Camelot Experience

First there was trouble at the marriage party, with one other guild member obviously jealous about all of the attention the couple" received, and trying to grab some of that attention for himself by misbehaving. Words flew, matters escalated, and in the end I had to kick the guy out of the guild. But the trouble didnt stop. wow gold It turned out that the father of the girl was also playing DAoC, and he didnt approve of her having an online relationship. So what did he do. He deleted the girls character and forbade her to contact the boy or our guild again. mp3 players Lots of guild drama about this and some other events, and somehow my guild expected me to fix everything, which I of course couldnt. I felt under immense stress, until I really didnt enjoy playing any more, and quit the game.Being a guild leader is a tough job, I dont envy anyone doing it. So, as I said, RvR had nothing to do with me leaving Dark Age of Camelot, I quit because I had bitten off more than I could chew when founding my own guild. wow gold But what I had seen up to then in RvR didnt really convince me either. You must remember that this was very early in the game, and the ruleset wasnt the same as it was later.

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