
Friday, August 22, 2008

cheap wow gold

The devilsaur are easily soloable by a level 60 wow gold, as a rogue, I would have to use Evasive and sometimes a potion to win each battle but anyone with decent gear should have no problems soloing one of these bad boys. The cooldown timer on my Evasive discipline would be refreshed by the time I got to each devilsaur so it worked great.

You can start skinning devilsaur as early as skill 270, but I recommend you wait until 280 so that you can skin all of the devilsaur you kill, they range from 54-56. Once you collect 8 devilsaur leather you will be wow gold able to make the hands (need 30 rugged leather as well but can buy in Auction House for fairly cheap or farm the Gorillas in Northern Ungaro) or if you choose you can save up until you get 14 devilsaur leather and make the legs (requires same amount of rugged leather as indicated above). On my server the hands sell for about 40 gold and the legs sell for about 70 gold, you could package them as a set and get rid of them pretty fast.

The respawns are pretty fast so that if you start on one cheap wow gold side and clear out the 6 devilsaur you will be able to continuously kill devilsaur. You can get up to 12 an hour if you play your cards right. All that is required after that is to craft the devilsaur armor and sell it in the Auction House.

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As a level 60 rogue I found that I could make a lot wow gold of gold fast by farming the devilsaur. There are 6 devilsaur in Ungaro Crater and each one paths as illustrated in the image below. our gold sale have a special way from others,we have the same price for your purchase on each server,you can select your server information after you decide how much gold you want to buy.
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